Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Best of Shanghai

Been very very very busy with my work and very very very lazy with my bloggie, bla bla bla..... Sing with me "Bla~Bla~Black sheep have you any wool?" (Sorry, bo link at all ;p)

BUT! BUT BUT BUT! No reasons for me to turn this post down! *hidung.tinggi*
...enough with my nonsense...

Hiya! Here comes Shanghai, a city of ______ (Am wordless, fill in the blank yourself nah)

A finally-pun trip for us and we sorta/kinda chosen the wrong place, wtf! Anyway, we keep our hand held high and mood cloud nine *boo*

(Okok, start liao..don't cross away mai blog ;()

Dear readers,
People once said, picture speaks everything. And I wanna show you the REAL meaning of picture SPEAKS everything, LOLOL~

*Spooky music on PLZ*
TADAH! It speaks to you right, chio-pun *hidung.tinggi.again*
Both of them used up about 100 handsaplast that few days zzZ

Obviously... ...
1st half day it is, WTF
Having Ice-cream in cold weather is Mm~Hmm~
She will kill me for this XD

SHanghai MUST, Xiao-Long-Bao *Armph*
I really mean it -.-"
Photo-bomb my Oriental Tower...
Isn't it kawaii desu???
Pretend I'm running in 120km/h ;p

My 雞公褒, literally chicken-in-claypot and it's YumZ
This is how we express our HATRED!!!...
...after all those OLD-POINT by this fcuking retard book
OUR fav, yay!, it's a soup bowl (which you can eat the bowl @@, get what I mean?)
Ermm...can anyone tell me how to read that word, in Chinese? A 立 and a 風?

Director suit for vacation mood???
In train to HangZhou @@
A *ehem* hotel room
... ...with... ...
Went to a breath-taking's taking-breath's musical on a lake

Saw 斷橋殘雪 and felt like it's horror, yet, there's a reason behind it... ...hmm... ...

with OUR fav "生煎"

btw, she spilled the 煎 ;p