It's totally RIDICULOUS
How dare the CAT give me a 'D' for my final exam!!!
Who is SHE??? Where she stand???
Arrrggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going CRAZY...
Can't she just leave us ALONE? Prejudice! Bias! I Protest!
SHIT!!! This is my final sem and too think she pollutes my GOOD record... *scream*
Mother F***er (Censored)
My first time taking supplementary and it's at the final semester
My last gift at the end of 2009 and THANKs to her
Sure it's definitely neither a good start for 2010 nor a good ending of 2009 *cries*
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
My Sister's Keeper
My sister's keeper
A story that I've long wanted to read
And now it's in movie starred Cameron Diaz & Alec Baldwin
Sadly, the apa-pun-boleh government actually BANNED it
The story is about little Anna, aged 13, who sues her parents for medical emancipation when she is expected to donate a kidney to her sister Kate who is dying from leukemia. Simple story yet unveiled lots of controlversial topics (eg. ethics, clone). And that's why... ... :(
Thursday, December 17, 2009
What is "L@st"? Hmm...a significant words represent my feelings most for now - lAst & lOst.
15 Dec 09, another notable date for me. It is the lAst day for my study life. I'm sitting for the last subject. 4.00pm, everything like officially end when the examinor said: stop your writing.
17 Dec 09, everythings seems come to an end when I slow down my steps. I feel lOst. Friends, coursemats, tutorial mates, groupmates etc... They are just as if never exist before.
You go your ways and I go mine. Is that all these are how/what they should be at the first place? Wondering... ... That's definitely not a good feelings for me.
I thought Initiative is one of the core values of being civic minded. Yet it doesn't brings me success and acceptance that it should be. What? Anything wrong?
Perhaps they're right. Anyway, what should done is done. No point of blaming this and that... ...
Well, sad still...speechless now...
Maybe what I should do is just clean my ass and get rid of this place.
15 Dec 09, another notable date for me. It is the lAst day for my study life. I'm sitting for the last subject. 4.00pm, everything like officially end when the examinor said: stop your writing.
17 Dec 09, everythings seems come to an end when I slow down my steps. I feel lOst. Friends, coursemats, tutorial mates, groupmates etc... They are just as if never exist before.
You go your ways and I go mine. Is that all these are how/what they should be at the first place? Wondering... ... That's definitely not a good feelings for me.
I thought Initiative is one of the core values of being civic minded. Yet it doesn't brings me success and acceptance that it should be. What? Anything wrong?
Perhaps they're right. Anyway, what should done is done. No point of blaming this and that... ...
Well, sad still...speechless now...
Maybe what I should do is just clean my ass and get rid of this place.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Be Optimist ♥
It's been a hard day for me *squeezing my brain and turn it into a sponge to absorb all the so-called knowledge* But at the moment I saw this*, everything like... ... (hmm...wonder how to express ;p)
And that's why I take out some of my should-be-precious time to share it here :)
A single proverb yet fills up my heart.
And that's why I take out some of my should-be-precious time to share it here :)
Here it goes...
A single proverb yet fills up my heart.
p/s: Do you notice that there are 2 rainbowS in the picture?
Saturday, December 12, 2009
My DoomsDay
Date : 12 Dec 2009
Time: 2.00-4.00 pm
Venue: UTAR PJ Campus PC203
A memorable moment for my University life...
Thought can finish my U life happily...
Haiz...This time I sure kena gao gao...
Bye 1st class honor...
Hi... ...2nd lower class honor...
Time: 2.00-4.00 pm
Venue: UTAR PJ Campus PC203
A memorable moment for my University life...
Thought can finish my U life happily...
Haiz...This time I sure kena gao gao...
Bye 1st class honor...
Hi... ...2nd lower class honor...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Am Drowning...
Gosh gosh gosh!!! Never thought that final year can be sooo tiring...
- Final Year Project
- Assignment
- Presentation
- Campaign planning & execution
- Mid-term
- And most importantly, conflict & diversity in group @.@
How cruel is it when all things come together *cry*
Sigh...thought wanna enjoy my last sem with my fellow coursemate...BUT...
Now I could only pray to God and hope that I can pull it through...
It's a one-on-one battle...Aza aza fighting!!!
hehe...a lil bit of self-consolation ;p
Friday, September 18, 2009
You'll never know
18 Sep 2009, Rainy day (heavily)
9.00-11.30 a.m., Media Ethics' final exam
It's raining really heavily outside
The sky outside is GREY...So does the sky upon me...
Time is not sparing me in the exam
What makes me really sad is...I'm wasting Mr. Time in unnecessary conduct...
Somebody might finds me exaggerating
But the feelings is TRUE
I watch my result fly away away and away from me
Goodbye my "A", You'll be regretted
9.00-11.30 a.m., Media Ethics' final exam
It's raining really heavily outside
The sky outside is GREY...So does the sky upon me...
Time is not sparing me in the exam
What makes me really sad is...I'm wasting Mr. Time in unnecessary conduct...
Somebody might finds me exaggerating
But the feelings is TRUE
I watch my result fly away away and away from me
Goodbye my "A", You'll be regretted
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Cancer (22nd June - 22nd July)

- Loves attention, especially from the opposite sex, which makes them very flirty, may be even highly prone to having affairs. Very funny, quick witted.
- Emotional. Has strong feelings towards people. Loves to talk. Sometimes feels neglected. Has more intellectual intelligence than common sense. Usually has a best friend (or a few best friends).
- Loves sex. Is very confident sexually, likes to experiment. Likes to tease (sexually or non sexually). Is very imaginative, often comes up with great or wild ideas.
- Can hold very good conversations and is an easy person to make friends with. Can sometimes get jealous, but people can sometimes be jealous of them also.
- Feels they are unique and sometimes feels people do not understand them properly.
Quoted from Facebook...Doubt the credibility XP
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Feel Sorry ;p
Yayaya...that's me...3mins is my limit...heehee...
I wonder why I'm always addicted to new things then... ...
My blog @.@
Haiz...To tell the truth...I'm really NEARLY forgot my blog...Until... ...
Untill I wanna leave a comment to my BFF and I suddenly discovered that "I HAVE A BLOGSPOT ACCOUNT"
Wahahaha...And I've used a looooooooooong time to guess my username as well as my password...Gosh...I can forget ANYTHING!!!
A word for myself: Huipin Tay!!! Pleasssssssssse use you BRAIN!!! XD
I wonder why I'm always addicted to new things then... ...
My blog @.@
Haiz...To tell the truth...I'm really NEARLY forgot my blog...Until... ...
Untill I wanna leave a comment to my BFF and I suddenly discovered that "I HAVE A BLOGSPOT ACCOUNT"
Wahahaha...And I've used a looooooooooong time to guess my username as well as my password...Gosh...I can forget ANYTHING!!!
A word for myself: Huipin Tay!!! Pleasssssssssse use you BRAIN!!! XD
Sunday, June 14, 2009
FYP: A Nightmare
Arrghhhhhh... Everyone should have started their 3rd part of FYP...But me?? I'm so nervous and tension about it and even...I even dreamt about it and wake me up early in the morning...
But But But...I'm still haven't started it yet!!!
Ohhh...Can't drag it any longer...Die die also must vomit out the 1st part of FYP :'(
Goodbye drama...Goodbye gathering...Goodbye food-hunting...Goodbye SLEEPING!!!
Huipin is fighting...No doubt is in agony TOO +.x
But But But...I'm still haven't started it yet!!!
Ohhh...Can't drag it any longer...Die die also must vomit out the 1st part of FYP :'(
Goodbye drama...Goodbye gathering...Goodbye food-hunting...Goodbye SLEEPING!!!
Huipin is fighting...No doubt is in agony TOO +.x
Thursday, June 11, 2009
A Candle...A Miracle...
Huipin loves candlesss
Everytime it lightens...
It calms my heart...with no reason...
What do you think???
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
My Annual Call...
Maybe she didn't realise it...But everytime she calls...a year after :X
She's Gracia...My long-time-no-see BFF...
It's strange...Sometimes when you try to be nice and get close with peoples...They seem went further apart...But...The unpolished and maintain relationship seems go further than my imagination... ...
What now? Am I too particular on it? Or I just don't know how to deal with peoples?
Aiksss...headache...don't know how to continue...COMPLICATED @.@
Just let it be lu~ Things will get better right...hope so ;p
p/s: I treasure ALL my relationshipsss...
She's Gracia...My long-time-no-see BFF...
It's strange...Sometimes when you try to be nice and get close with peoples...They seem went further apart...But...The unpolished and maintain relationship seems go further than my imagination... ...
What now? Am I too particular on it? Or I just don't know how to deal with peoples?
Aiksss...headache...don't know how to continue...COMPLICATED @.@
Just let it be lu~ Things will get better right...hope so ;p
p/s: I treasure ALL my relationshipsss...
Monday, June 8, 2009
Optical - Metrofon
It's a loooong time till now...I DC from internet @.@ Until I've no mood for blogging...It's partly because I'm travelling...But mainly???
I can forgive them as they are still new in town compared with streamyx and bla bla bla...But they are changing program and renewing it soOo frequently until we always DC for 1 or 2 weeks...Do they give us back our $$? Absolutely NOT!!!
Gosh...Do this count as cheating $$? Quarreling with them this afternoon and they keep pushing the responsibility from this technician to that technician and even the router vendor!!! Arrghhhhh......can't stand!!!
Stupid broadband in Malaysia! Do you all know how slow and inefficient you are compare with those overseas???
I can forgive them as they are still new in town compared with streamyx and bla bla bla...But they are changing program and renewing it soOo frequently until we always DC for 1 or 2 weeks...Do they give us back our $$? Absolutely NOT!!!
Gosh...Do this count as cheating $$? Quarreling with them this afternoon and they keep pushing the responsibility from this technician to that technician and even the router vendor!!! Arrghhhhh......can't stand!!!
Stupid broadband in Malaysia! Do you all know how slow and inefficient you are compare with those overseas???
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
It's another bad hair day...
There's no turning back for me...
Never thought that I can be soOo influenced by my hair...
It sounds stupid...but I really cried several times for it :(
The more I did...the worst result I get...
God...I need help... ... ... ...
Please help me pull it through... ... ...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
A Place That I Hated So Much
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
A Bad Hair Day
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + ) ( * & ^ % $ @ !
“Gosh...I'm going crazy...
Why I being so impulse??
What am I doin?? ”
I went for a hairdo today...
According to the statement above...Ya, it's a failure...The hairstylist keep on assure me that 2inch is only 2inch...But what now?!

It's definitely too SHORT!!! I miss my loooong hair...It reached my waist when I put my hair down...This pic is a little bit blur but I've no more mood to take pic with my OMG-hair :'(
When I tied it up, it only reaches my shoulder!!! iiisssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
“Gosh...I'm going crazy...
Why I being so impulse??
What am I doin?? ”
I went for a hairdo today...
According to the statement above...Ya, it's a failure...The hairstylist keep on assure me that 2inch is only 2inch...But what now?!

The center one is my desired hair style
It's definitely too SHORT!!! I miss my loooong hair...It reached my waist when I put my hair down...This pic is a little bit blur but I've no more mood to take pic with my OMG-hair :'(
When I tied it up, it only reaches my shoulder!!! iiisssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
OH GOD! When can I get my hair back? When can I go out to meet with people?
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ ) ( * & ^ % $ # @ ! !
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Axtivo Cafe a.k.a 创业的激情
This holiday is a special one...The lazy me actually act as a catalyst to rebond with all my so-called "Hometown-mate"...Axtivo becomes a HIT choice for our date...Mainly because it's near XD
The overall ambient is nice but the snacks really scare me off because everytime I try it sure give a weird taste @.@ But, maybe it is a MLM company, its service sure nice...Every waiter or waitress hanging a big smile on their face and answering all our problems and questions without hesitation...
The overall ambient is nice but the snacks really scare me off because everytime I try it sure give a weird taste @.@ But, maybe it is a MLM company, its service sure nice...Every waiter or waitress hanging a big smile on their face and answering all our problems and questions without hesitation...
p/s: free flow of paip water ;p
Phew~Thanks to my bad memory, I've take a loooong time to edit my photo. Gosh...I think I'd already return all my photoshop knowledge back to my lecturer ;p The result of my editing, obviously, SUXX... ...
**hehe...give me some times and I'll improve it in the coming post...
Friday, May 22, 2009
Angels & Demons

A plot...
A revenge...
The war between Catholic and Illuminaty
The conflict between Father and Son
The co-existance of Science and Religion
As enjoying movie is one of my hobby, I'll never reject any movie's date...Angels and Demons had grab my attention since i watched its trailer...Tom Hanks did very well in the movie...
Rome is always a place that I've been longing for...No doubt, the scenes of Rome and Vatican in the movie are another great attraction ~BREATH-TAKING~
I'm not that kind of person who good in description but I'll definitely go for second, third or forth times to enjoy this movie again XD
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
It's been a long time I wanting to get my very own blog...but...
Hehe...finally...I'm here...
Once, my bff said..."you need a blog"
Yaya...she's right...I really need it...desperately ;p
Ever since I've been studied in UTAR, I'm changing...I don't know whether it's good or bad...But I feel like growing up about 10yrs just the moment I step in my U...There's happy, sadness, joyful, dissappointment, etc...Of course, I've seen lots of WEIRDO @.@
I started keep all the things inside myself...deep down there...
Yup...that's definitely not me...
I like matter it's happy or sad...
But people seems like... ... ... {I don't even know how to describe}
Haiz...I think what I can do now is just keep going...going...and going...
From now will be my space to voice out myself and hide myself and BE MYSELF...
Huipin is gambate-ing~~
Oops...not forgotten...I would like to show out all the beautiful memory of mine at here as well ;p
Stay Tuned...^^/
Hehe...finally...I'm here...
Once, my bff said..."you need a blog"
Yaya...she's right...I really need it...desperately ;p
Ever since I've been studied in UTAR, I'm changing...I don't know whether it's good or bad...But I feel like growing up about 10yrs just the moment I step in my U...There's happy, sadness, joyful, dissappointment, etc...Of course, I've seen lots of WEIRDO @.@
I started keep all the things inside myself...deep down there...
Yup...that's definitely not me...
I like matter it's happy or sad...
But people seems like... ... ... {I don't even know how to describe}
Haiz...I think what I can do now is just keep going...going...and going...
From now will be my space to voice out myself and hide myself and BE MYSELF...
Huipin is gambate-ing~~
Oops...not forgotten...I would like to show out all the beautiful memory of mine at here as well ;p
Stay Tuned...^^/
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