Oh Well, as suggested above; Kiasu is in my blood, Kiasu is in my gene, and Kiasu is definitely inherited. LOL~ Blaming on family is like a way to avoid any direct accusation or somehow, avoid being buay-paisehly Q for nothing. I learned everything from DADDY *wink*
Recently, Ice ... again and nearly melts into water lol ;p
Profile #1: McDonald's Big Breakfast
In respond to my link on FB, lovely bff brought me this...
and then, brought me here...Long Q + No seat *boooo*
Happy me^^
Anyway, I didn't nom finish my breakfast because I was busy spilling my saliva all over bff, and of course their breakfast as well ;p
Profile #2: Starbucks 50%Frappuccino
Only 5pm-7pm for Frappuccino Ice-blended
Finally, the JavaChipFrap. More untung but people like MochaFrap ma ;(
Satisfied me^^
NO! This is definitely Not me! FUGLY daoooo!
I know it sounds wrong when I fed up yet satisfied, but different thingz mah. I fed up because of the Q but satisfied as I get cheaper Frappuccino
I *heart* all the promo/discount/freebies! Sometimes, I was like feel pity on them:"Oh dear, how they earn?"or"Will they rugi from these?" But then, I will be like:"Hey, so many people! Siao ar?" (forgetting me myself also one of the siao one and on fire LOL)
p/s:Orz...Sowee~sowee~The photo taken by different phone-cam, so...cacat abit lah...;p
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